Bicycle Accident Poster
“Invisible Rider – You are more invisible than you think.”
Silk screen print on black paper.
“Invisible Rider” is a screen print that explores the critical issue of bicycle safety within the context of the Netherlands, where cycling is ingrained in daily life. This print sheds light on the prevalent problem of cyclists riding without proper lighting in the darkness, posing risks not only to themselves but also to motorists, pedestrians, and fellow cyclists.
Upon initial observation, the artwork may appear abstract. Depending on the angle from which it is viewed, the presence of a cyclist becomes increasingly apparent, mirroring the unpredictable nature of real-life encounters. Just as a car driver may fail to perceive the cyclist until it is too late, the viewer must actively engage with the artwork, actively seeking out the hidden figure.
The screen print employs nuanced shades, lines, and contrasting tones to convey the fleeting and precarious nature of visibility under low-light conditions. The composition encourages viewers to engage actively with the artwork, drawing them into a visual exploration that simulates the challenges faced by both cyclists and motorists on dimly lit roads.